Kamonmura: a Japanese village shrouded in ethereal night fog. In the mountains nearby where the mysterious "Takigi Noh" ceremony is held, a gigantic garbage landfill towers over the surroundings. Yu Katayama (Ryusei Yokohama), who has lived in Kamonmura since he was a child, works at this waste disposal facility, which sticks out like a sore thumb against the rest of the otherwise beautiful village. He is unable to pay the debts his mother has incurred, and the other workers at the waste disposal facility have their eyes on him, leaving him without hope. Then one day, his childhood friend Misaki returns from Tokyo, and the story begins to take a major turn.
Even in all its glory, it's a short dream.
Nad niegdyś malowniczą wioską góruje dzisiaj rozległe wysypisko śmieci. Młody mężczyzna pragnie wyrwać się z okowów losu więżących go z tym miejscem.
في قرية عُرفت يومًا بمناظرها الخلابة، وأصبحت الآن محصورة وسط مكبّ قمامة ضخم، يتوق شاب للتحرر من مصير قاسٍ يقيده في المكان ذاته.
język polski