Au cœur d’une cité, les habitants d'une tour se réveillent un matin et découvrent que leur immeuble est enveloppé d’un brouillard opaque, obstruant portes et fenêtres – une étrange matière noire qui dévore tout ce qui tente de la traverser. Pris au piège, les résidents tentent de s’organiser, mais pour assurer leur survie ils succombent peu à peu à leurs instincts les plus primitifs, jusqu’à sombrer dans l’horreur...
In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors and windows - a strange dark matter that devours anything that tries to pass through it. Trapped, the residents try to organize themselves, but to ensure their survival they gradually succumb to their most primitive instincts, until they sink into horror...
Quando os habitantes de uma torre acordam, descobrem que seu prédio está envolto em uma névoa opaca que obstrui portas e janelas, enquanto uma estranha matéria escura devora tudo o que tenta passar por ela.
Português - Brasil