한때 영화감독이었던 석우는 고향에 내려와 버스 운전기사로 일하고 있습니다. 어느 날 버스터미널에서 누군가의 MP3 플레이어를 주운 그는 MP3의 주인을 찾는 과정을 통해 자신의 과거와 마주하게 됩니다.
Once a film director, Seok Woo comes to his hometown, working as a bus driver. One day, he picks up someone´s MP3 player at the bus terminal and faces his past through the process of finding the owner of the MP3.
- Winter Outside The Window
Depois de um diretor de cinema, Seok Woo vem para sua cidade natal, trabalhando como motorista de ônibus. Um dia, ele pega o MP3 player de alguém no terminal de ônibus e enfrenta seu passado ao encontrar o dono do MP3.
တစ်ချိန်က ရုပ်ရှင်ဒါရိုက်တာ Seok Woo သည် ၎င်း၏ မွေးရပ်မြေသို့ ဘတ်စ်ကားဒရိုင်ဘာအဖြစ် လုပ်ကိုင်ခဲ့သည်။ တစ်နေ့တွင် သူသည် ဘတ်စ်ကားဂိတ်တွင် တစ်စုံတစ်ယောက်၏ MP3 ပလေယာကို ကောက်ယူပြီး MP3 ပိုင်ရှင်ကို ရှာဖွေသည့် လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်တစ်လျှောက် သူ့အတိတ်ကို ရင်ဆိုင်ခဲ့သည်။
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