絶望の淵で、人は「生きる意味」を見つけられるのか? 1960年代の帰還事業で日本から北朝鮮に移民した家族の物語。平壌で幸せに暮らすパク一家は、父の失踪後、家族全員 が突如悪名高き政治犯強制収容所に送還されてしまう。過酷な生存競争の中、主人公ヨハンは次第に純粋で優しい心を失い他者を欺く一方、母と妹は人間性を失わず倫理的に生きようとする。そんなある日、愛する家族を失うことがキッカケとなり、ヨハンは絶望の淵で「人は何故生きるのか」その意味を探究し始める。やがてヨハンの戦いは他の収監者を巻き込み、収容所内で小さな革命の狼煙が上がる。
Can a person find the "meaning of life" in the depths of despair? The story of a family who immigrated from Japan to North Korea in a return project in the 1960s. After the disappearance of his father, the Park family, who live happily in Pyongyang, are suddenly repatriated to the infamous political prisoner internment camp. In a fierce competition for survival, the main character, Johann, gradually loses his pure and tender heart and deceives others, while his mother and sister try to live ethically without losing their humanity. One day, losing his beloved family was a kick, and Johan began to explore the meaning of "why people live" at the edge of despair. Eventually, Johan's battle involves other prisoners, and a small revolutionary signal rises in the camp.