Kaoru Utsumi, a detective from the Investigation Division 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, came to consult with a physicist, Manabu Yukawa, who returned to the United States. A popular daughter in the town who suddenly disappeared was found dead a few years later, and the suspect was acquitted in the murder of a girl who was once in charge of Utsumi's senior detective Shumpei Kusanagi during the same period as Yukawa and college. It was a man who became. However, he is released again due to insufficient evidence. The man returns to the town where his daughter lived, appears openly in front of the bereaved families, and provokes them, covering the entire town with an air of hatred. And on the day of the autumn festival parade, the man died. Everyone who has the motive to kill a man has an alibi, and the cause of death is unknown. Yukawa, Utsumi, and Kusanagi challenge this super-difficult problem.
- Chinmoku no Parade
- Galileo chinmoku no Parade
- Chinmoku no Paredo
一名失蹤多年的少女,被發現陳屍在燒毀破屋中,過去便曾涉及刑警草薙俊平(北村一輝 飾)偵辦案件的兇嫌蓮沼寬一,是這起凶殺案的頭號嫌疑犯。這次他故技重施保持緘默,狡猾逃過法律制裁,再度被釋放後更囂張地向死者家屬挑釁,猖狂行徑讓鎮上瀰漫著不詳的氣氛。陷入膠著的案情讓刑警內海薰(柴崎幸 飾)不得不向天才物理學家湯川學(福山雅治 飾)求助。想不到行事一向疏離的湯川竟改變作風,還邀約死者妹妹一起去觀賞秋祭遊行…