Berlin March-April 2004. The Pope, John Paul II is dying. Katja, an almost 30 year old Berliner actress, is about to premiere Tchehovs 'Seegull'. She's torn between the reality of the play and the difficult relations to the various people around her. Katja has just broke up her relationship with Lars - her old love from the theater school yet and she's involved into an affair with the director of the play, she's acting in. Katja, born from a polish mother and a German father, is also in conflict with her religious parents, who's perception of the reality is different to her own. Finally Katja meets one French dreamer who shows her the other point of view for the life. The death of the Pope will give Katja a symbolic impulse. She will have to make the choice, trying to find out what's her profession based on. Is it only her work or maybe her true vocation. If it's that last, how much is Katja ready to sacrifice? —Max Honert & Michal Ostatkiewicz
Een gevoelige jongen die de agressie om zich heen niet kan accepteren, wordt zelf echter gewelddadiger dan hij vroeger was. Een regisseur wil eigenlijk geen films maken en krijgt de kans een een internationale productie te regisseren. Hij grijpt de kans niet en in plaats daarvan wordt hij verliefd op zijn lerares Engels.
język polski