Und so bekommen drei Nachbarn einer kleinstädtischen Reihenhaussiedlung zeitgleich einen Zuweisungsbescheid. Der gewiefte Herr Richter überzeugt seine Reihenhausnachbarinnen – die weltoffene Betti und die Wutbürgerin Frau Rau – und auch den korrupten Leiter des Flüchtlingsheimes, dass es besser wäre, müssten sie nicht den ihnen maschinell zugewiesenen Flüchtling nehmen, sondern den, der am besten zu jedem von ihnen passt.
The new integration law has been enacted. From now on, Germans have to accommodate refugees in their own homes. A scheming elderly man, Mr Richter, convinces his townhouse neighbours, the open-minded Betti and the enraged citizen Mrs Rau and also the crooked housemaster of the refugee hostel, that it would be better not to have to accept their automatically assigned refugee, but rather to be able to choose the candidate that would suit them best. They may choose among three refugees: Djadi, who speaks German; Samira, who conceals her face behind a veil; and the aggressive Abbas. In the dark crawlway of the refugee hostel, the three refugees are subject to a torturesome interrogation. But Mr Richter's plan proves to be unsuccessful, as all three Germans opt for the same refugee: Djadi. Because the fight of the Germans is getting more and more malicious, the "favorite refugee" of the Germans should now decide with whom he wants to live in the future
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