渋谷健一という50歳のサラリーマンは5年間離婚し、娘の美香とは不器用な関係にある。 ミカの15歳の誕生日の前日、彼はオフィスの彼の上司の一人である綾瀬と一緒に道路の脇で稲妻に殺されました。 来世では、「伝説のスープ」を飲むと生まれ変わることができると言われますが、その過程で以前の生活からのすべての記憶が失われます。 渋谷は娘を忘れるという考えを受け入れることを拒否し、代わりに綾瀬との死後の世界をさまよってスープの秘密を解き明かそうとし、反対側から父親の役割を続けようとします。
- Sûpu: Umarekawari no monogatari
A 50-year-old salaryman named Kenichi Shibuya has been divorced for five years and has an awkward relationship with his daughter Mika. The day before Mika's 15th birthday, he's killed by a bolt of lightning on the side of the road along with one of his superiors from the office, Ayase. In the afterlife, they're told they can be reincarnated if they drink a "legendary soup", but they'll lose all memories from their former life in the process. Refusing to accept the idea of forgetting his daughter, Shibuya instead tries to unravel the secrets of the soup by wandering around the afterlife with Ayase as he attempts to continue his fatherly role from the other side.
- Soup: A story of a new birth