
Elphaba, an ostracized but defiant girl born with green skin, and Glinda, a privileged aristocrat born popular, become extremely unlikely friends in the magical Land of Oz. As the two girls struggle with their opposing personalities, their friendship is tested as both begin to fulfill their destinies as Glinda the Good and The Wicked Witch of the West. The first of a two-part film adaptation of the Broadway musical.

  • Wicked: Part One
  • Wicked: Part 1
  • Wicked: Part I


Everyone deserves a chance to fly.

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Wicked Collection

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The story of Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch of the West and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch.

Adaptations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1900 children's novel written by American author L. Frank Baum. Since its first publication in 1900, it has been adapted many times by L. Frank Baum and others: for film, television, theatre, books, comics, games, and other media.

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