马飞龙是马家雷拳第十九代传人,以一代宗师自居。岂料一次于街头众目睽睽下被一名女途人击倒。片段在网络上疯传,并沦为全球笑柄,一夜之间一代宗师沦为“乜代宗师”。后来飞龙从记者口中得知女途人大有来头。原来她是香港西洋拳坛传奇人物,曾经拥有四十场不败纪录的奇女子 — 陈真!飞龙为了挽回声誉,向陈真下战书,在擂台上与她一决高下。与此同时,飞龙前妻阿媚多次把飞龙玩弄于股掌之中,令飞龙深受打击,无法集中精神应战。面对大限将至,飞龙该如何是好?
The grandmaster Fei Lung lost everything after he got defeated by Chun. To regain his reputation, Fei Lung challenges her to a final fight. Much to his surprise, he gradually falls in love with Chun. Will he be able to win both Chun’s heart and the battle at the end?
His unexpected romantic feelings towards his rival, Chun, derails Grandmaster Fei Lung's plan to win in the final fight he has challenged her to.