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1 2 himdad

Shows from My Childhood

1 1 Jack Keane

(circa the mid-to-late 90's and early 2000's)


1 17 mikeru99

My collection of food related programmes

Science fantasy Anime

1 3 toni kaku

Science fantasy is a hybrid genre within speculative fiction that simultaneously draws upon or combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. In a conventional science fiction story, the world is presented as being scientifically logical; while a conventional fantasy story contains mostly supernatural and artistic elements that disregard the scientific laws of the real world. The world of science fantasy, however, is laid out to be scientifically logical and often supplied with hard science-like explanations of any supernatural elements.

David E Kelley Boston Franchise

1 4 EnStorm

The shared universe of The Practice, Ally McBeal, Boston Public, and Boston Legal was created by David E. Kelley and is set in Boston, with various characters and settings crossing over from time to time, along with a more traditional spin-off from The Practice into Boston Legal.

Fate Grand Order

1 1 mrfritz

Fate Grand Order Watch List


1 2 Bigpro75


1 4 alosh

.Just MonsterVerse.

K variety show

1 1 asmyda

Inazuma Eleven Franchise

1 1 toni kaku

Crowdfunded [Series]

1 2 toni kaku

Bleach Anime Movies

1 4 toni kaku

Penn & Teller

1 5 dgparryuk


1 1 ivoets


1 1 cypherxtear


1 21 babondra

Music and Concerts


1 1 enjoy_jer

Movies I got from TubiTV

Linus Media Group

1 6 TVDB-Editor123

Cutie Honey [Franchise]

1 1 toni kaku


1 2 GodOFBiscuits

Anime in the Plex

Jungle Jim

1 18 vincent2n

Jungle Jim is the fictional hero of a series of jungle adventures in various media.

bref. Franchise

1 3 vincent2n

French shared universe.

Frozen Collection

1 7 jamesalaska


1 1 westleypipes

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