The DC Animated Tomorrowverse is an interconnected series of animated films that began with "Superman: Man of Tomorrow" in 2020. This universe offers fresh takes on classic DC characters and stories, providing a modern and cohesive narrative. Key films include "Justice Society: World War II," which introduces a Golden Age superhero team; "Batman: The Long Halloween," a two-part adaptation of the iconic comic storyline; and "Justice League: Warworld," which delves into the Justice League's battle against a cosmic threat.
Aim for the Ace!, known in Japan as Ace o Nerae! (Japanese: エースをねらえ!, Hepburn: Ēsu o Nerae!), is a manga series written and illustrated by Sumika Yamamoto. The series tells the story of Hiromi Oka, a high school student who wants to become a professional tennis player as she struggles against mental weakness, anxiety and thwarted love.
LGK (Le Grand Kiff) was a french TV block on NT1 (Channel of TF1 group) which contained japanese anime series.
Chi's Sweet Home (Japanese: チーズスイートホーム, Hepburn: Chīzu Suīto Hōmu, "Chi's Loving Home") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Konami Kanata.
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