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Great Female Relationships

1 1 tahpopal

Females on the show have great relationships and tend to lift each other instead of having toxic relationships.

Baseball ⚾ [Sport Anime Series]

1 7 toni kaku

Anime series where baseball takes an important place in the story.

Metal Heroes

1 4 levigomes

The Hills Have Eyes (Reboot) Franchise

1 2 sprinklekidd

Remakes: Mutants and monsters attack people who are "unfortunate enough" to be stranded near the desert...

Sasaki to Miyano

1 1 BluExorcist002

Parasyte Franchise

1 2 Maria180493

Marvel - ABC

1 3 dgparryuk

Chibi Anime

1 10 toni kaku

Chibi, also known as super deformation, or S.D. is a style of caricature originating in Japan, and common in anime and manga where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, typically small and chubby with stubby limbs, oversized heads, and minimal detail. The style has found its way into the anime and manga fandom through its usage in manga works.


1 5 djhitman

Blade is a film and television franchise based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.


1 1 Chumy

DreamWorks - Short Films

1 43 BlackSpirits


1 1 Raving McRanty

A Matt Groening's Work

1 3 toni kaku

Walking The ...

1 5 dgparryuk

My All-Time Favorite Spike Lee Joints

1 2 CoolMatthewSinegar

Matthew Alexander “Matt” Sinegar [SIN-NA-GAR] (An EXTREMELY Mature, EXTREMELY Heterosexual (Straight), EXTREMELY Hardworking/Diligent, & EXTREMELY Foulmouthed African-American/Black Man): I’m LITERALLY A GIGANTIC Fan Of Spike Lee.

Mirrors Franchise

1 2 BlackSpirits

stuff to see

1 1 brucewestfall

French Cinema Shows

1 13 vincent2n

Azerbaijani movies

1 1 IlaheHamid

Season 29

1 0 madmick


1 1 Fondeezy

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