The film begins in early 1999, with two young Queens, New York City street criminals Tommy "Buns" Bundy (DMX (rapper)) and Sincere ("Sin") (Nas), along with their associates in crime Mark and Black. The four violently rob a nightclub, murdering five people. After escaping Black goes to dump the car while the rest retreat to Tommy's Jamaica Estates, Queens house, where they celebrate and joke around (The movie ''Gummo'' is playing on the TV), waking Tommy's girlfriend Keisha (Taral Hicks). Sincere soon leaves and is followed in gesture by the others. He returns to his St. Albans, Queens home to his girlfriend Tionne (Tionne Watkins) and infant daughter Kenya. Meanwhile, Tommy learns of a new form of heroin which he takes as a lucrative business opportunity.
This movie was inspired by a true story, following the life of a thug being released from prison after an 8 year prison sentence. In the beginning of the movie "G," who is played by The Game (rapper), leaves prison determined to not be locked up again. It doesn't take long for the streets to pull G in again, and he meets a lady named Alexis (Shari Headley). However, both are hiding their secret lives (G being a hustler, Alexis being an undercover cop), who discusses 150 kilos of cocaine that G and Tone stole, which belonged to drug lord Tito Costa.