In 41 episodes, Mike Rugnetta will teach you world mythology! This course is based on introductory college-level curriculum spanning mythologies around the globe. By the end of this course, you will be able to: *Define myth and decide what elements distinguish it from other narrative forms *Connect myths around the world and identify how different cultures sought answers to similar big questions *Use myths to understand past civilizations, like by recognizing their core values *Identify how the staying power of myths influence our beliefs and cultures today, like in our language
Hank begins to teach you about Philosophy by discussing the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. He will also introduce logic, and how you’re going to use it to understand and critically evaluate a whole host of different worldviews throughout this course. And also, hopefully, the rest of your life.
Breaks down complicated astronomy concepts in an easy to understand way using animation and narration by astronomer Phil Plait.
John Green teaches you literature in an exciting, entertaining, and endlessly informative manner.
John and Hank Green go over the history of the universe in a fun and exciting way.
Craig Benzine teaches you about film history, discussing the birth of the motion picture, to be able to understand how we get meaning out of cinema, and to contextualize the use of film.
And thus begins the most revolutionary biology course in history. Come and learn about covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds. What about electron orbitals, the octet rule, and what does it all have to do with a mad man named Gilbert Lewis? It's all contained within.
John Green teaches you the history of the United States of America in 47 episodes!
Starting February 22nd, Carrie Anne Philbin will be hosting Crash Course Computer Science! In this series, we're going to trace the origins of our modern computers, take a closer look at the ideas that gave us our current hardware and software, discuss how and why our smart devices just keep getting smarter, and even look towards the future! Computers fill a crucial role in the function of our society, and it's our hope that over the course of this series you will gain a better understanding of how far computers have taken us and how far they may carry us into the future.
Beginning Mondays in March, we are bringing you Crash Course Sociology. Host Nicole Sweeney will walk you through questions big and small about how we both shape societies and are shaped by them. We hope you'll join us.
Crash Course Physics is set up to be supplemental if you’re taking a class in the topic, or to give you an introduction if you’re just naturally curious. They tend to go fast, but the beauty of putting these on YouTube is you can back up and watch it again and again to make sure you’re grokking everything going on.
Hank Green teaches about ecology, from human and population growth to community ecology.
Welcome to Crash Course Film Production, our 15 part series on how movies are (generally) made and who does what job and when... it's a lot to cover. Your host, Lily Gladstone, will be taking you through this series so let's get to know her.
Craig Benzine speaks on U.S. Government and Politics.
Welcome to Crash Course Study Skills! Over the next 10 weeks, Thomas Frank is going to help you learn to be a better student. We'll go over study tips, note taking, getting organized, and so much more!
We're back! This year Mike Rugnetta is teaching you about theater and drama. Are you in drama club? Want to know about the history of theater? Maybe learn some theater history? Have a lot of fun? This is the series for you! Over the next year, we're going to learn about the history and workings of the dramatic arts, together. It's going to be a great time, very low drama. Except it's all drama. Embrace the paradox, folks.
It's a new series in Crash Course Film as Michael Aranda takes the reins as host for the next 15 weeks to talk about Film Criticism. Check out all 15 films we'll be talking about below!!! Film Selection: Citizen Kane, Aliens, Where Are My Children?, Selma, In the Mood For Love, Do the Right Thing, Lost In Translation, Apocalypse Now, Pan's Labyrinth, The Limey, Three Colors: Blue, The Eagle Huntress, Moonlight, Beasts of No Nation, 2001: A Space Odyssey
For as long as Hank has hosted Crash Course, he's wanted to host a series about the history of science. We've been asking big questions for a really long time and we've all wanted to explore how we've sought to answer those questions through the centuries. Questions like, "What is stuff?" and "Where are we?" have inspired people all over the world to investigate. So lets dive in and see how we, as a people, have tried to figure this stuff out.
The history of Europe in 50 episodes. We'll start at the tail end of the so called Middle Ages, and look at how Europe's place in the world has developed and changed in the last 700 years or so.
Welcome to Crash Course Games! In this series our host Andre Meadows is going to discuss the history and science of games. We’re going to talk about video games of course, but also board games, role playing games, card games, even sports! But before we get ahead of ourselves we are going to look at what a game actually is, who is playing these games, and what they are doing to us. It turns out these answers aren’t as obvious as they would seem, but one thing is definitely clear: games make up a huge portion of most peoples’ lives, and we think that can be a great thing!
Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series we're going to take a closer look at how statistics play a significant role in our everyday lives. Now this a "math" course, and there will definitely be some math, but we're going to focus on how statistics is useful and valuable to you - someone that performs AND consumes statistics all the time. Statistics are everywhere from batting averages and insurance rates to weather forecasting and smart assistants, and it's our hope that when you finish this series you'll get a better idea of the role statistics play in helping us better understand the world!
Dr. Shini Somara returns to Crash Course for Crash Course Engineering!
Join Jay Smooth next week for the start of our next miniseries: Crash Course Media Literacy!
Welcome to Crash Course Artificial Intelligence! In this series host Jabril Ashe will teach you the logic behind AI by tracing its history and examining how it’s being used today. We’ll even show you how to create some of your own AI systems with the help of co-host John Green Bot! We’ll also spend several episodes on an area of AI known as machine learning which has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. AI is everywhere right now and has the potential to do amazing things in our lives. But there’s also great potential for peril, which is why we believe it is more important than ever that developers, and non-developers alike, understand AI.
Welcome to Crash Course Linguistics! Linguistics is everywhere and is super useful for pretty much everyone. Over 16 episodes, Taylor Behnke will teach you all about language, from its structure, to the relationship between language and our identity, the brain, and computers, to writing, language acquisition, and the diversity of human languages!
This course will be split into two parts. In the first half, we will focus on physical geography or the processes and phenomena of the physical world both above and below the Earth's surface. We'll ask questions like, "why is the seafloor so young when the Earth is so old?" or try to identify why winds and ocean currents are so important to life on Earth. Then we'll turn our focus to human geography and explore the ways people occupy the Earth's surface. Like how we've moved, settled, and used the land, resources and space. But there's not always a clear line dividing the physical and human, because really, geography is telling the story of the Earth.
Over the course of 50 episodes, we're going to learn about Black American History. Clint Smith will to teach you about the experience of Black people in America, from the arrival of the first enslaved Black people who arrived at Jamestown all the way to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Welcome to Crash Course Zoology! In this fourteen-episode series made in partnership with PBS and Nature, Crash Course Zoology will take a rapid deep dive into the weird and wonderful biology of animals. Host, wildlife ecologist, and conservation scientist, Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant will guide us across the tree of life as we endeavor to answer what makes an animal an animal anyway? We’ll explore the current state of the world and how it's evolving with in-depth looks at particular animals, show how the science is applied, and even take you along for the journey with day-in-the-lives of some astonishing creatures.
We'll be tackling the notoriously complicated subject of organic chemistry, and hopefully having some fun along the way!
Public Health is so much more than just washing your hands, adhering to smoking laws, or wearing your seatbelt -- although it is those things too. Broadly, public health is an approach to preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health for everyone. So over the course of this series, we'll show you the many ways the story of your health isn’t just about you, and how it’s about so much other stuff like the social, economic, and environmental conditions that impact all of us.
Welcome to Crash Course Outbreak Science! What do pathogens actually do to us that makes us sick? Why do societies respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases the way they do? How can we stop the next outbreak? These are the kinds of questions we'll ask ourselves and answer as best we can over the next 15 episodes of this series. Join us and Dr. Pardis Sabeti as we look at outbreaks from the microscopic level, to the big picture, so that we can work together to stop future outbreaks and create a healthier future for everyone.
Welcome to Crash Course Botany! Over the next 15 episodes, Alexis Nikole Nelson will spill plants’ secrets—how they evolved, how they function, and just how vital they are to human societies and all of life on Earth.
Over the next 12 episodes, we’re going to take a look at the ways climate change is affecting our planet, untangle the evolving energy landscape, and learn to think critically about how we, as individuals and as a society, can affect the outcomes.
Welcome to Crash Course: How to College! This 15 episode series is part of the Study Hall Program; a partnership between Crash Course and ASU. Dr. Erica Brozovsky (from PBS's Otherwords) hosts and breaks down how to apply for, succeed at, and graduate from college. We hope you'll join us for this journey and check out our all new Study Hall Channel (linked above) where you can watch Fast Guides about college majors and even more series. Get a list of upcoming episodes for Fast Guides and How to College at
This won't be the usual chronological, Eurocentric, names-and-dates version. In this series we'll hear a more expansive tale of art history, featuring diverse ways of making and a huge range of artists from across the globe.
What is the meaning of life? Why do bad things happen to good people? What happens when we die? You’ve got questions! Crash Course has answers. ...Ok, maybe we don’t have *those* answers, but in Crash Course Religions, we’ll explore how a variety of religions respond to many of life’s greatest mysteries. Along the way, we’ll consider cults, magic, the supernatural, being “spiritual… not religious,” and other elements that skirt around the edges of how we see religion.
There are some concepts so uniting, so ideal, that everyone, everywhere can get behind them: things like freedom, justice, and security. But the second we try to define these terms in the context of the real world, something interesting happens-- it becomes clear that different people have different definitions. And these fundamental principles reveal themselves to be…incredibly squishy.
Sex happens. We’re all living evidence of that. But good sex education isn’t available to everybody. But here at Crash Course we say: let’s talk about it! With support from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, and with sex educator and sexologist Shan Boodram as the host, this series will explore the usual suspects: penises, vulvas, STIs, and pregnancy. But we’ll also talk about orgasms, consent, masturbation, and how society influences what we do, think, and feel about getting it on.