Gladiators is a sports entertainment television show with versions of the show being filmed for local broadcasters internationally.
In this challenging game show, four contestants were pitted each week against the four athletically trained gladiators, two female and two male. Their strength, agility and endurance were tested in various, constantly changing contests against the powerful gladiators, with the highest scorers advancing to the exciting elimination tournament.
Members of the public are pitted against superfit Gladiators in trials of strength, speed and stamina.
Renny Harlinin ohjaama hurja ja vauhdikas 1990-luvun huipputapaus. Koko perheen kilpailuohjelmassa gladiaattorit ottavat mittaa haastajistaan erilaisissa hurjissa lajeissa. Ohjelman juontavat Katariina Ebeling ja J-P Palo.
Children's version of the popular adult competition series "American Gladiators," where two teams of two competed to answer questions about health and fitness and competed in kiddie versions of American Glaidators events.
Gladiators is an Australian television series which aired on Saturday nights on the Seven Network from 29 April 1995 until 12 October 1996 almost consecutively for eighteen months. It was based on the popular franchise which started with American Gladiators in 1989. However the Australian show was more heavily based on the UK version with events, format and even music being used from the British show. It was revived in 2008.
Gladiatorerna, ett av TV4:s populäraste program genom tiderna, är tillbaka – i en större, starkare och farligare skepnad än tidigare. Tusentals sökande har genomgått stenhårda tester, men bara 32 tappra utmanare har valts ut. Nu står de inför den svåraste utmaningen av dem alla: att ta sig an gladiatorerna. Utmanarna tävlar mot varandra, två mot två – kvinna mot kvinna och man mot man – i elva tuffa grenar.
American Gladiators pits everyday athletes against the show's gladiators in contests of physical strength and endurance. The revival of the "American Gladiators" franchise will feature such classic events as The Joust, The Wall, Hang Tough, and Eliminator with upgraded 21st century technology. The show is hosted by Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali.
Permanent competitors called “Gladiators” are put up against one-time-only “Challengers” in several different events which tests both physical and mental capabilities.
Ian Wright and Kirsty Gallacher present as contenders do battle with the brand new Gladiators. The action is overseen by original referee John Anderson, in events such as Hang Tough, The Joust and the Eliminator.
Bei Global Gladiators begeben sich acht Prominente auf den Roadtrip ihres Lebens. Quer durch Namibia erwarten die Gladiatoren harte Challenges und spannende Abenteuer! Für Global Gladiators begeben sich acht deutsche Prominente auf eine vierwöchige Reise quer durch Namibia. Auf der ca. 4000 Kilometer langen Route erleben die Gladiatoren beeindruckende Challenges an den schönsten Naturschauplätzen Namibias: Aus der Hauptstadt Windhuk geht es zunächst in den Süden des Landes bis hin zum Fish River Canyon. Von da aus fahren unsere Kämpfer zurück über die Hauptstadt an die Küste nach Walvis Bay und Swakopmund. Danach durchqueren die Gladiatoren das südafrikanische Land in nordöstlicher Richtung und fahren durch den Caprivi-Zipfel bis nach Sambia. Larissa Marolt kann die Eindrücke des Landes noch immer nicht ganz fassen:„Wir waren einfach mitten in der Wildnis. Da gab es kein Studio, keine abgegrenzten Räume, das war wirklich die Wildnis“, schwärmt sie.
Gladiators ready! A new generation of superhumans take on brave contenders in the ultimate test of speed and strength. It's all-out action, with Bradley and Barney Walsh in charge.
It's official! The Australian Gladiators are returning to our television screens on 15th January 2024 with a brand new generation of Gladiators! The series will be hosted by Beau Ryan and Liz Ellis.
Dans « GLADIATORS », des challengers, hommes et femmes, âgés de 18 à 64 ans et de toutes les professions – notamment des infirmiers, pompiers, charpentiers… – vont défier des Gladiateurs, des athlètes redoutables qui représentent l'incarnation de la force et de l’endurance.