Someday a group of classmates will perform a charm at night after school—the Happy Sachiko charm. This paper doll ritual is meant to make them stay friends forever, but performing it incorrectly will lead them to be dragged down into a dilapidated phantom of Tenjin Elementary School, which had been torn down years ago. Trapped until they can reunite and perform the charm correctly, the students will have to solve the mystery of the haunted school in order to make it out alive. Before that ill-fated event, however, the friends led ordinary lives. Corpse Party: Missing Footage reveals an insight into the students' lives on the day before they were thrust into a waking nightmare.
“幸せのサチコさん”のお呪いで廃校に飛ばされてしまった哲志たち。さきほどまでいた教室の面影はなく、そこは三十年前の怨念が渦巻く閉鎖空間だった。朽ち果てた校舎、無残な死体、正気を失った者たち、そして赤いワンピースの少女。極限状態の中、哲志は離れ離れになってしまった仲間たちと再び巡り合うことができるのだろうか……? 呪われた天神小学校での絶望が幕を開ける――