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Princess Principal Franchise

Princess Principal (Japanese: プリンセス・プリンシパル, Hepburn: Purinsesu Purinshiparu) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Studio 3Hz and Actas. The series was directed by Masaki Tachibana and written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, with original character designs by Kouhaku Kuroboshi and Yukie Akiya, and music by Yuki Kajiura.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 14557
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • On Other Sites TheMovieDB.com
  • Genre Animation Anime
  • Favorites 1
  • Created November 15, 2022 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified February 13, 2025 by
    toni kaku



東西に分裂したロンドンで繰り広げられる、少女たちのスパイアクション! 舞台は19世紀末、巨大な壁で東西に分断されたアルビオン王国の首都ロンドン。 伝統と格式ある名門、クイーンズ・メイフェア校には、5人の少女たちが在籍していた。 彼女たちは女子高校生を隠れ蓑に、スパイ活動を展開。 変装、諜報、潜入、カーチェイス……。 少女たちはそれぞれの能力を活かし、影の世界を飛び回る。 「私たちは何?」 「スパイ。嘘をつく生き物だ」 INTR

プリンセス・プリンシパル Crown Handler 第2章


A new weapon "Cavorite Bomb" with tremendous power enough to sink a battleship with one shot. Although the Commonwealth succeeded in developing it ahead of the kingdom, somebody stole the three commercialized shots and brought them to the kingdom. Meanwhile in the kingdom, Prince Richard, who has the third highest succession to the throne, returns from the New World. Prince Edward, the first-ranked successor to the throne, Princess Mary, the second-ranked princess, and the fourth-ranked princess Charlotte, will be gathered in London. London is crowded with the triumphant return of the young prince, but during the return parade, Richard is shot by someone.