Amazing science stories, unravels mysteries and reveals worlds you've never seen before.
Far from being passive or boring, plants have evolved a host of tricks to beat the elements, predators and other plants.
Catalyst is a program that sees science as a dynamic force changing our world. Each week Catalyst will bring a mixture of Australian and international stories, from science breakthroughs investigating the implications, the ethics, and the politics of the particular issue, to stories about how scientists work in the field.
Meet the bizarre, amazing and breathtaking creatures and landscapes of a vibrant lost world; and discover how life not only survived during the cataclysmic events of this prehistoric era, but thrived.
Showcasing the people of Industrial Light and Magic, the special effects division of Lucasfilm, this series takes us back in time as they create the effects for some of the biggest and most successful films of the last 45 years.
Die dreiteilige Reihe "Unsere Erde aus dem All" gehört zu den ambitioniertesten Naturfilmproduktionen der vergangenen Jahre. Erstmalig werden Kameras eingesetzt, die an Satelliten die Erde umkreisen, und mit aufwendigen Drohnenaufnahmen kombiniert. Die Bilder zeigen unseren blauen Planeten aus völlig neuen Perspektiven.
Cameras in space tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective, revealing new discoveries, incredible colours and patterns, and just how fast it is changing. Four episode mini series documentary.