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2022 Taiwanese Movies

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 13233
  • Created By tim90922
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created January 22, 2022 by
  • Modified January 22, 2022 by

Increasing Echo


If middle-aged life is a practice, should you expect an epiphany, or slow your breathing in blindfolded darkness? The model housewife Mrs. Yan continued to live a spiritual life in the trivial daily life of buying vegetables and cooking, and taking the dog to see the doctor. Married life at a distance. Until Mrs. Yan accidentally received a phone call and learned that the object of her husband's brief affair years ago was admitted to a nursing home, the originally frozen days began to make waves...



求婚尚未成功,下次仍需努力! 路克與女友小彩交往多年,路克籌備已久準備給女友一個驚喜的求婚,萬事俱備的那一天,小彩一步一步走入了路克浪漫的佈置之中,從天而降的戒指成為求婚的開場白,路克捧起戒指,問出那句”請妳嫁給我”,一切都完美呈現,小彩臉上的笑容卻開始凝結,一句”對不起”把路克打入痛苦的深淵。 就在那一瞬間,路克從床上驚醒,求婚失敗了嗎?還是只是一場惡夢?路克重新踏上求婚之路,身邊的事物都是那麼地似曾相識,路克帶著恐懼再一次回到求婚現場,一切都沒有改變,但他的臉上多了一絲猶豫,他看著小彩的臉,終於再一次的”對不起” 像是一句咒語,讓時間回到了路克求婚的那一天早上,他被迫展開一場必須求婚成功的瘋狂之旅....

My Best Friend’s Breakfast


Xiang Weixin, a 17-year-old high school sophomore, regards eating as the most important and most healing thing in life. The first time she met her senior Tao Youquan was in the schools welfare agency. At that time, Xiang Weixin lost 5 yuan and could not buy her favorite pineapple bread. Tao Youquan made up the money for her, which made her feel deeply indebted to her. The next day, she saw a breakup scene by the schools swimming pool. She broke up with her cheating girlfriend but couldnt separate it. Xiang Wei moved her heart and used her best friend Fang Qiran as an excuse to let Tao Youquan break up successfully. She believed that she was brave and repaid. They never thought that this year would be like this. A lot of things, life is full of all kinds of questions...