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Series name First aired Last aired
Bush Pilots 2012-07-02 2012-07-13
Atheist Alliance International Convention
Britain AD 2004-09-06 2004-09-20
Der Pazifische Feuerring 2011-05-23 2011-05-26
Violent Nation 2004-02-05 2004-02-19
The Boer War (1999)
Mapping The World 2010-04-18 2010-05-02
BBC Briefings 2016-01-09 2016-06-21
Dynasties 2002-11-18 2004-01-26
The Celluloid Heroes
Haunted Highway 2012-07-03 2013-12-18
Jungle Hooks 2002-12-14 2006-03-24
War in the Gulf 2004-12-08 2004-12-08
Doorstep Crime 999
Gartenträume 2011-04-22 2011-05-06
Их Италия 2012-07-01 2012-07-12
School For Stars 2012-07-05 2013-09-13
Freshwater Seas: The Great Lakes
Will Work For Nuts
The World Against Apartheid: Have You Heard from Johannesburg? 2012-01-24 2012-02-21
America's Worst Tattoos 2012-06-21 2014-04-28
Caught In The Act 2010-04-06 2013-06-24
Help I'm A Teen Mum 2007-07-30 2007-07-30
$40 a Day 2002-04-24 2002-10-23
Lost Worlds: Life Under Napoleon 2010-01-22 2010-02-12
Danskernes egen Historie - Oplevelser Fra Amager
Danskernes egen Historie
Blood Relatives 2012-06-07 2017-12-14
United States Of Food 2012-07-08 2012-07-22
What Brits love 2012-06-18 2012-06-22
Crime Lab
Atem Sham Babait
Cosmos (2014) 2014-03-09 2020-04-20
Volcano Live 2012-07-09 2012-07-12
Restoring Dreams
Forensic Firsts 2012-06-17 2013-06-16
The Farm Fixer 2012-07-09 2013-11-18
Tizenkét hónap az erdőn
Léptünk koppan ódon köveken 2008-01-01 2008-01-01
Magyar elsők 2003-02-10 2007-05-22
Magyarország kincsei - Templomok 2002-01-01 2002-01-01
Magyar történelmi arcképcsarnok 2001-01-01 2001-01-01
Templomi orgonák titkai
Visszajátszás 2005-01-01 2005-01-01
ARCpoétika 2007-01-01 2007-01-01
Vámos Miklós Klub 2007-01-01 2007-01-01
Discover Planet Ocean 2009-01-01 2010-01-01
Az Atlanti-óceán gyöngyszemei
Thelma's Gypsy Girls 2012-07-08 2012-08-12