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Paris Filmes

Paris Filmes is a Brazilian film distributor which distributes movies in cinemas, DVD and Blu-ray. Founded in 1960 by the Romanian immigrant Sandi Adamiu, the company began distributing the films of the French studio Pathé. In the 1980s, Paris acquired the VHS distributor América Vídeo, which specialized in action films. In the late 2000's, Paris distributed the Twilight and Hunger Games film series, making the studio first place in market share in 2012/13.

English Português - Brasil

There are no series associated with this company.

Grande Sertão
Maridos em Férias
Tô de Graça - O Filme
Homem Com H
Macho e Fêmea
Chama a Bebel
Pensionato das Vigaristas
Os Devassos
Jorge da Capadócia