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The Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA) (English: Audiovisual Sector Fund) is a fund intended for the coordinated development of the entire production chain of audiovisual activity in Brazil. Created by Law No. 11,437, of December 28, 2006, and regulated by Decree No. 6,299, of December 12, 2007, the FSA is a specific programming category of the Fundo Nacional de Cultura (FNC) (English: National Culture Fund). The FSA covers activities associated with the different segments of the sector's production chain – production, distribution/commercialization, exhibition, and service infrastructure – through the use of different financial instruments, such as investments, financing and non-refundable support. Among its main objectives are the increase in cooperation between the various economic agents, the expansion and diversification of the infrastructure of services and exhibition halls, the sustained growth in the market share of national content, and the development of new means of dissemination of Brazilian audiovisual production.

English Português - Brasil
  • ID 4483
  • Primary Type Production Company
  • Created September 11, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 12, 2024 by
O Caso Escola Base
Carro Rei