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  • TheTVDB.com List ID 6792
  • Created By Fabio G
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created August 24, 2020 by
    Fabio G
  • Modified August 24, 2020 by
    Fabio G

Ashes to Ashes


DCI Alex Drake of the Metropolitan Police is shot in the head and wakes to find herself apparently thrown back in time to 1981. She soon recognises DCI Gene Hunt and his team from detailed reports made by DCI Sam Tyler about his own trip to 1973. Alex, a modern, no-nonsense woman, soon clashes with her sexist colleagues but both DCIs have to learn to adjust while she tries to find a way back to 2008.

Black Mirror


A television anthology series that shows the dark side of life and technology.



Julien Baptiste delves into the criminal underworld of the red light district and uncovers a complex web of deceit and lies.

Dead Set


During a fictional series of Big Brother, a zombie outbreak occurs, but the house-mates are unaware of the impending doom outside of the Big Brother House.



Violence comes to the isolated town of Fortitude in the Arctic Circle, one of the safest towns on Earth. As mysterious phenomena plague the town in the aftermath of a murder, the inhabitants realize that no one can be trusted... and all is not that it seems.

Hammer House of Horror


This series represents the television stage in the long and curious career of Hammer Films, which has its origins in the early years of the twentieth century. Each episode of the series stands alone and has its own cast. All achieve a high standard of psychological tension, in the best traditions of British horror. Look out for British stars of the later 1980s appearing in some of their earliest on-screen roles, including Simon MacCorkindale, Rosalyn Landor, Caroline Langrishe, and Pierce Brosnan.

Hidden (2011)


When the mysterious lawyer Gina Hawkes turns up asking Harry to find a missing alibi witness for her client he agrees to take on the job but is unwittingly drawn into investigating the death of his brother 20 years ago. Harry quickly finds himself caught up in a much bigger and more complex conspiracy that reaches deep into the heart of the British political system.

Y Gwyll


Pan symudodd y Ditectif Prif Arolygydd Tom Mathias yn ôl i Aberystwyth ar ôl 10 mlynedd yn gweithio gyda Heddlu'r Met yn Llundain, roedd yn ddyn oedd yn chwilio am lonydd i ddod i dermau â'i broblemau ei hun. Er ei feiau ac er gwaethaf ei ddulliau anarferol, roedd Mathias yn parhau i fod yn dditectif gwych ac yn berson galluog, byrbwyll, ond dynol iawn. Dro ar ôl tro roedd yn ein tywys ni at y gwir ond all Tom Mathias anghofio ei orffennol ei hun?

Into the Night


Lorsque le soleil commence soudain à tout tuer sur son chemin, les passagers d'un vol de nuit en partance de Bruxelles tentent de survivre par tous les moyens.

Jack the Ripper (1988)


A Scotland Yard police inspector, battling the booze, investigates the Jack the Ripper murders and discovers a conspiracy that leads all the way up to the queen.

Life on Mars


A detective chief inspector from 2006 is investigating a serial killer when he is knocked over by a speeding car. Waking up, he finds himself mysteriously transported back in time to 1973. Initially struggling to come to terms with his situation, he has to come to terms with the old-fashioned technology and attitude of the day, while figuring out how he came to be trapped in the past.



Five-part supernatural drama series set in three different eras on a remote farmhouse called Lightfields on the Suffolk coast.



Marchlands is the gripping story of three different families living in the same house in the 1960’s, 1980’s and present day. The families are linked by the spirit of a young girl – the 1960’s family’s daughter who died in mysterious circumstances.

Mayday (2013)


Mayday is a sophisticated five-part thriller from writers Ben Court and Caroline Ip (Whitechapel). When a young girl goes missing on her way to the Mayday parade, the small community in which she lives looks to one another for answers. But beneath the picture-postcard idyll lies a sinister other world and the dark woods teem with myth. As the community reels from Hattie’s disappearance, the drama follows the mass hysteria and ensuing search from the point of view of the central characters, each of whom fears that someone they know is responsible. As they keep silent, their suspicions intensify over the course of the five episodes.

Remember Me


At the age of ‘eighty-odd’, Tom Parfitt sits alone in his terraced house in the otherwise entirely Asian community of a small Yorkshire town, and remembers a strange drowned figure washed up on a beach.



Respected police officer John River is a brilliant detective, whose fractured mind traps him between the living and the dead. River struggles to come to terms with the recent loss of a close colleague as he chases a suspect across London - with tragic consequences. Now at odds with authorities both within and outside of the police service, River finds himself in a precarious position as he seeks to bring closure to the mother of murdered teenager Erin Fielding, who blames him for failing to keep his promise to bring her daughter back alive.



Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson solve crimes in 21st century London.



Southcliffe is a British drama series airing on Channel 4. Set in a fictional town on the North Kent Marshes, it employs a nonlinear narrative structure to tell the story of a series of shootings by a local man portrayed by Sean Harris, the cause of these shootings and the effects on the town and residents. It explores tragedy, grief, responsibility and redemption, as seen through the eyes of a journalist returning to the small town of his childhood, to cover the story of the tragedy, and those closest to the victims of the tragedy.



When a genetically engineered virus kills ninety-five percent of the world's population, the survivors must rebuild humanity in the face of overwhelming odds. "Survivors" is a study of man vs. nature and man vs. man in an attempt to reclaim an unrelenting world. In essence, the series concerns the aftermath of a plague which had wiped out over 99% of the world's population and the experiences of a group of individuals in England as they grappled with the post-plague world and the trials of day-to-day survival.

Survivors (2008)


Set in the present day, Survivors is a BBC drama series that focuses on the world in the aftermath of a devastating virus which wipes out most of the planet's population. Deprived of traditional 21st Century comforts - electricity; clean running water; advanced technology - the resilient group of survivors at the heart of the series face terrible and unexpected dangers. With no society, no police and no law and order, they now must struggle to find food and water under the ever present and deadly threat of other survivors. Remake of the 1975 BBC series.

Tales of Mystery & Imagination


Horror stories by Edgar Allen Poe dramatized and introduced by horror actor Sir Christopher Lee.



En kropp hittas på bron från Malmö till Köpenhamn och orsakar jurisdiktionsfråga. Tvingade att arbeta tillsammans är en svensk och en dansk polisdetektiv på jakt efter en mördare.

The Fall


Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson is brought in from the London Metropolitan Police to help catch the killer when a murder in Belfast remains unsolved. As Gibson travels across from London, we are introduced to the murderer himself; Paul Spector.

The IT Crowd


The comedic misadventures of Roy, Moss and their grifting supervisor Jen, a rag-tag team of IT support workers at a large corporation headed by a hotheaded yuppie.



Politiefterforsker Sarah Lund efterforsker svære sager med personlige og politiske konsekvenser.



Det er uhyggeligt... og det er også morsomt og mystisk i Lars von Trier's populære kultserie fra Rigshospitalet.

The Missing


What happens in the days and years after a child's disappearance? A tense drama about never giving up hope - even when it becomes an obsession.

Les Revenants


Dans une petite ville de montagne, plusieurs personnes mortes depuis des années reviennent à la vie. Camille, une jeune adolescente qui a succombé dans un accident de car, Simon, un jeune homme décédé dans un accident de voiture, Louis alias Victor, un petit garçon qui a été assassiné par des cambrioleurs et Serge, un tueur en série. Ils tentent de reprendre le cours de leur vie alors que d'étranges phénomènes, coupures d'électricité, baisse du niveau d'eau d'un barrage, scarifications sur le corps des vivants et des morts… apparaissent.

The Tunnel


When a prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the UK and France, detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann are sent to investigate on behalf of their respective countries. The case takes a surreal turn when a shocking discovery is made at the crime scene, forcing the French and British police into an uneasy partnership. (Adaptation of Swedish-Danish series Bron / Broen)

Den som dræber


"Den som dræber" følger kriminalkomissær Katrine Ries Jensen og retspsykiater Thomas Schäeffer, der er en del af en særlig efterforskningsenhed hos Københavns Politi, der efterforsker serielle drab. De sager denne enhed efterforsker er sjældent forankret i traditionelle motiver og adfærdsmønstre. I disse sager er motiverne langt mere komplekse og truslerne farligere, fordi forbrydelsen sjældent er målet i sig selv, men snarere et middel. Et middel til at forløse gerningsmandens fantasier og smerter. For at løse disse sager er hovedpersonerne nødt til at kunne sætte sig i morderens sted og forstå hans psykologi, hans fantasi og hans længsler. For ikke før de har forstået, hvorfor morderen slår ihjel, kan de gøre sig forhåbninger om at fange ham.



The story follows a small group of people who find themselves in possession of the manuscript sequel of a cult graphic novel called The Utopia Experiments, which is rumoured to have predicted the worst disasters of the last century. This leads them to be targeted by an organisation known as The Network, which they must avoid to survive. Using the manuscript, they must uncover the meaning hidden in its pages before the disasters depicted become reality.

What Remains


When the decomposed body of Melissa Young is found by a couple in their new flat, Detective Len Harper is determined to discover what happened to her and why nobody noticed she was missing.

Der Pass


In den verschneiten Bergen, auf einem Grenzstein zwischen Deutschland und Österreich liegt eine seltsam inszenierte Leiche. Beide Länder schicken Ermittler: die junge Ellie Stocker aus Berchtesgaden und Gedeon Winter von der Kripo Salzburg. Stocker übernimmt hochmotiviert ihren ersten großen Fall, während Winter, ein desillusionierter Zyniker, die Ermittlungen am liebsten ganz auf seine deutsche Kollegin abschieben würde. Zwischenmenschliche Spannungen sind vorprogrammiert. Aber die zwei müssen kooperieren. Denn es geschehen weitere Morde. Und sie tragen die gleiche Handschrift. Schnell steht fest, dass ein Serienmörder am Werk ist. Nach der Beschreibung eines überlebenden Opfers entsteht eine Phantomzeichnung des Täters. Sie zeigt die teuflische Fratze eines Krampus, eines jener furchterregenden Begleiter des heiligen Nikolaus, die unartige Kinder bestrafen. Verfolgt der Mörder womöglich eine Mission?



The series revolves around five different characters from different parts of Britain: David Sowerbutts, a serial killer obsessed man-child who still lives with his mother Maureen; Mr. Jelly, an embittered one-handed children's entertainer; Oscar Lomax, a blind millionare who collects Beanies; Joy Aston, a midwife who treats a practice doll as if it is her real child; and Robert Greenspan, a telekinetic panto dwarf in love with his Snow White. All five are connected by a mysterious blackmailer who has sent them a letter each, all of which contains the same message: "I know what you did…"



The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.

Good Cop


A dutiful Liverpool beat cop discovers what he is truly capable of after his partner is brutally murdered in a targeted attack by a local gang.

Inside No. 9


Jaws will drop and spines will tingle. Heads might even roll. Darkly twisted comic tales from the imaginations of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, joined by a host of stars.

Happy Valley


Happy Valley is a dark, funny, multi-layered thriller revolving around the personal and professional life of Catherine Cawood, a dedicated, experienced, hard-working copper. She is also a bereaved mother who looks after her orphaned grandchild.

Black Mirror (PL)


A Polish spin-off of the series "Black Mirror".



Ári eftir að eldfjall eldsvoða hefur brotist upp koma dularfullir þættir frá forsögulegum tíma frá bráðnum ís og hafa ófyrirséðar afleiðingar í för með sér.

La casa de papel


Un golpe maestro ideado y perfeccionado durante años, planificado durante meses y ejecutado en pocos minutos para que el elegido grupo de ladrones que se adentra en la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre a punta de pistola haga creer a la Policía que su plan ha fallado… y que los tienen asediados dentro del edificio sin otra salida que su rendición. Once días de encierro con los 67 rehenes (entre empleados de la FNMT y alumnos de un colegio que se encontraban de visita) y un operativo policial sin precedentes que mantendrá en jaque a todo el Gobierno. Un atraco de minuciosa planificación, cuyos ejecutores necesitan un mínimo de días para poder llevarlo a cabo. Por esta razón es por lo que en el propio transcurso del tiempo está la clave de su éxito. ¿Quién puede estar detrás de esta descabellada idea?